A Jewish-based program for those seeking career guidance to better their life.
What career am I really interested in?
What am I really good at?
Can they both be the same?
Life Journey is a program of Shalom Path (a 501c3 religious corporation) dedicated to improving the quality of career choices people make that affect the balance of their lives and therefore the level of their success and happiness.
We can help you answer the above 3 questions in a professional, reliable and confidential manner.
The dedicated members of our team are comprised of a Ph.D in Neuropsychology, a Master’s in Educational Psychology, a prominent Rabbi with special expertise in counseling and education, and a successful businessman with 55 years of corporate experience.
Our experts will employ all the tools available in their field of expertise to get you the answers you are seeking at no cost to you. Furthermore, if required, we financially assist in helping you onto the path toward your goals.