Dear Rabbi Brandon,
In 2018 I decided it would be necessary to further my education and enrolled in college to pursue a degree in nursing. I anticipated some challenges as an adult student, but I found myself in an extremely challenging financial situation. I ended up living out of my vehicle while completing the two years of prerequisite classes that would allow me to apply to nursing programs. I was experiencing extreme anxiety, thinking of managing while in nursing school while living out of my vehicle. Spring 2021 arrived, and I had just received the fantastic news of my acceptance to nursing school. Panic set in; I was between a rock and a hard place when my phone rang. I answered the call. It was a woman in the community I had known for years. She was curious if I would join a new near San Diego that she and her husband were starting. In conversation, I briefly told her about my living situation, and she mentioned that I should call Rabbi Brandon in Florida as he might have some ideas. I did not know what that meant, but I believed everything happens for a reason. I was hesitant to make the phone call. I was amazed by Rabbi Brandons’ incredibly genuine and caring demeanor. Rabbi Brandon attentively listened as I described my living situation and my goals. He explained that his foundation, Sholom Path was interested in helping with the portion of the funds I was short on for an apartment for the two years of my nursing school program. I was shocked! The anxiety I had been dealing with quickly faded away. Sholom Path was there at this incredibly crucial point in my life, and for that, I will be forever grateful.
Ari B.
Rabbi Gaines and Shalom Path have been an integral part in my life since being released from treatment. I was struggling with my mental health and dealing with the effects of the covid-19 pandemic. They gave me the financial and emotional support to manage my life and to continue on my life's journey. I am eternally grateful.
Jaime G.
Dear Rabbi Gaines,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you and the Shalom Path organization from the bottom of my heart for helping me with my medical bills and getting me back on my feet - I have recently gone back to work and can take care of my kids.
I am beyond grateful, you and your organization do incredible work - May you continue with success and blessings in helping those in need.
Rivka T.
(These testimonials are factual but our clients' full names are not used to protect their privacy.)